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"Analyzing the Current State of the Champions League"

Currently we are in the Quarter Finals of this years Champions league. The teams that remain are Dortmund, Atletico Madrid, Barcelona, PSG, Bayern, Arsenal, Man City and Real Madrid. Things are shaping up quickly and we are seeing some of the most competitive soccer ever. Leg 2 of the quarter finals will be finished up through the next few days and we will soon see who will come out victorious.

There are currently two ties in this round heading into the last leg, between Arsenal and Bayern, and Real Madrid and Man city. On the other hand Barcelona leads PSG by one goal and Atletico Madrid leads Dortmund by one goal as well. All of these matchups remain close and the final leg will put on a great show for the fans in each of the games. The Champions league that last few years has been primarily ran by Man City and Real Madrid. With the two clubs now facing each other, we will see one of these historically victorious clubs knocked out before even reaching the semi finals. Man City being stacked with talent and money and Real Madrid the same way, its always a fun time watching these two clubs face off. It will interesting to see who will come out on top heading into the second game of this leg.

The Champions league is a combination league of all of the best soccer clubs in the world. This type of league is really unique to the sport of soccer as no many other sports have a league like this. All the American sports league are centralized to one locations. The Champions league on the other hand features teams from many different divisions all throughout Europe. This makes for a league with fierce competition were talented teams can show case their abilities. This diverse playing field makes the sport of soccer so special and thus leading to millions of views yearly for the champions league.

Fans can look forward to seeing how the league plays out and who will become victorious. The winner of the champions league usually takes the title as the best soccer team in the world. So who will it be this year?

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